Growing up in a small town, we didn't have housing developments. What we had were streets lined mostly with trees and homes built by individuals. I remember when a small housing development began across town and I couldn't help but think how weird it was that a bunch of mostly identical homes were being built so close to each other... it was stark,ugly, and made me uncomfortable. I remember thinking I'd never live in a housing development..I'd always be in my own unique space. I was very young and I was very wrong. I didn't end up in a sunny cottage on the edge of town or a small farm out in the boonies.. I have landed in a house that's just like every 4th or 5th house in a housing development in small town suburbia. I realized that regardless of where you are..or what cookie cutter home one lives in, there are a buh-zillion and one ways to make it your own. From my own little suburban *cottage* you will find me posting anything from cooking to sewing to flower watching.. people watching, short stories, poetry, rants, raves and anything else you can imagine~ Please stay awhile, explore all little parts of my life. You may find your self, laughing, rolling your eyes, disgusted, inspired, aggravated, happy, ect ect ect..
Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing in my joy~

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Peace and Quiet

Maaaaaan, I ‘m tired tonight. I don’t think I’ll be walking in the morning as it’s raining so hard now. But who knows maybe there won’t be a morning... or maybe the sun will be out, or maybe the rain will just go away for a bit, or maybe I won’t care either way. But for now, my house is quiet except for the little doggy snores coming from Teddybear… who btw hates the rain and instead of peeing outside when I tossed him out, held it and for a brief moment when I foolishly took my eyes off of him he snuck off and pee’d in the hallway.  I found this out because I stepped in it. And you know what? HE KNEW!  He was already shaking in his lil doggie fur when I went to find him. I wagged my finger at him telling how shamey he was for piddling on the floor and, he at least had the good sense to look humiliated, staring up at me with his big, liquid brown eyes.  So I picked him up and loved on him. Bless his doggy heart.  I can’t say that I blame him much... after all who wants to pee outside in the dark, cold, rain?? I’m so weak.. lol
  There wasn’t a new episode of TRHOC on tonight! I was more than aggravated because they don’t tell you that in advance, and if they do I somehow didn’t get the mssg! I wanted to know if Vicki Gunvalson’s daughter has cancer or not. (I think she doesn’t, I googled it and  based on everything I read I think she is going to be ok, but again it’s google  so who really knows??))) Either way I wanted to HEAR it on RHOC!! I love that show, I always want to go stupidly blond after watching it!
    I am kind of tired of Vicki looking nuts and yelling at Gretchen about Slade being a dead beat dad though, but having said that if Slade does have a job and is actually paying some kind of child support why don’t they parade that info out there and just put that old debate to bed?
In the end, I enjoy watching it for several reasons, but the biggest reason is how sane they make my life look. The second biggest is, it gives my head a vacation of sorts.
   The rain is pattering and I can hear my wind chimes playing their windy music. I guess it’s time to snuggle up with my snoring dog and hope the wind doesn’t blow that stupid wheelbarrow over that I left out on the sidewalk in back…
 Good night~

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