Growing up in a small town, we didn't have housing developments. What we had were streets lined mostly with trees and homes built by individuals. I remember when a small housing development began across town and I couldn't help but think how weird it was that a bunch of mostly identical homes were being built so close to each other... it was stark,ugly, and made me uncomfortable. I remember thinking I'd never live in a housing development..I'd always be in my own unique space. I was very young and I was very wrong. I didn't end up in a sunny cottage on the edge of town or a small farm out in the boonies.. I have landed in a house that's just like every 4th or 5th house in a housing development in small town suburbia. I realized that regardless of where you are..or what cookie cutter home one lives in, there are a buh-zillion and one ways to make it your own. From my own little suburban *cottage* you will find me posting anything from cooking to sewing to flower watching.. people watching, short stories, poetry, rants, raves and anything else you can imagine~ Please stay awhile, explore all little parts of my life. You may find your self, laughing, rolling your eyes, disgusted, inspired, aggravated, happy, ect ect ect..
Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing in my joy~

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Title change. My Little Suburban Cottage.

Welcome to
My Little Suburban Cottage

    It's been a while since I last posted and I am so sorry for that. Last year, shortly around my last June post, someone close to me had some very scathing and hurtful remarks about my blog, ( among other things) and I allowed it to steal the joy of posting. I tried to resurrect it in August but my heart wasn't in it so I let it go.
     But as the old saying goes, time heals all wounds, and tho I am not completely healed, enough time has passed that I have learned to look beyond the pain from unkind, unnecessary words.
     For the past couple of months I have been wanting to get back to blogging and yesterday I finally decided to do it. I have changed the name to 'My Little Suburban Cottage' because I felt like the title reflected the postings with more accuracy. It's about home, life, hobbies, ect ect. My recipes and pictures of my flowers, home, and life are all real .. you wont find anything staged, my house has dust, the pots and pans I use for cooking aren't perfect, shiny, or new and my pictures are snapped with my cell phone. Everything in my home is usable, comfortable, and for everyday life. 
   I hope you will follow me in my journey through the lighter more joyful side of everyday life, with cooking, crafting, hobbies, kids, spouses, and whatever topic floats my boat. 

Much love & Joy,


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